OPEN EVENINGS | Y9 ENTRY – 19 September 2024 | SIXTH FORM - 17 October 2024

High Performance Tier Our High Performance tier


The High Performance (TASS) tier is specifically designed to support students who are aiming for a professional sporting career alongside a dual-career education. Students who currently compete at a National or International level in their respective sport will qualify for this tier of provision (Academy-signed footballers included).

As a school, we fully understand the demands of high level competition and aim to support those individuals so that they don’t have to sacrifice their education in order to succeed in their chosen sporting field. We acknowledge the pressure of managing the demands of an elite training regime and have put the following provisions in place to support students learning and training equally.

As a High Performance (TASS) Student you will gain the following provision:

  • Dual Career Mentoring – Each student will be assigned a personal tutor for extra support and guidance along with Sport Scholarships advice.
  • Scientific Anthropometric testing & Maturation Screening – TASS trips with Universities to gain state-of-the-art testing in scientific labs.
  • Discounted Physiotherapy – Initial diagnosis of injuries to be covered by LeAF if required. Subsequent treatment sessions 10% discounts applied. Personalised rehabilitation programmes shared with LeAF Strength & Conditioning [S&C] staff to support with recovery to full fitness.
  • Smaller group & 1-1 coaching/S&C – extra sessions for S&C can be arranged if required.
  • Sports Psychology support – Sessions with Sport Psychologists as groups throughout the year. Individual sessions can be arranged if required.
  • Use of facilities at Lunchtimes – Students will carry out induction and have permission to access MSC Sports Hall and Fitness Suite facilities, if available, at request.

Previous High Performance students who attended LeAF Studio can be found on our Alumni page here.