Exam Information
For further information regarding exams, please contact exams@lss.weareauthentic.education
Exam Certificates
Exam certificates are delivered in the November following summer exams and in the February following November exams. Requests for these certificates will take up to 3 working days. Certificates will be held for 12 months from date they are received in school and are then destroyed via secure waste. Once destroyed, duplicate certificate requests will need to be made direct to the exam boards by the student at their own cost.
All requests must be made in writing to exams@lss.weareauthentic.education and are only processed during term time.
Important Exam Dates
Final Dates and Timetables
Exam Dates
28th & 29th April 2025 - Language speaking exams
8th May – 20th June 2025 - Live GCSE and A level exams.
There will be 2 contingency days which is the afternoon on 11th June and all day Wednesday 25th June.
This means that all exam candidates must be available to sit exams from the start of the exams season in May, through to and including 25th June 2025. This decision is not a school decision and applies to all candidates in all schools.
The contingency days have been arranged for GCSE examinations should sustained National or local disruptions arise during the summer examination series.