OPEN EVENINGS | Y9 ENTRY – 19 September 2024 | SIXTH FORM - 17 October 2024

Performance Tier Our Performance tier


The Performance tier is designed to support students who are aiming for a Semi-Professional sporting career alongside another profession. Students who currently compete at a Regional, County or District level in their respective sport will qualify for this tier of provision.

As a Performance Tier Student you will gain the following provision:

  • General Anthropometric testing & Maturation Screening – trips to local Universities to further knowledge of training and testing in state of the art labs.
  • Discounted Physiotherapy – treatment sessions 10% discounts applied. Personalised rehabilitation programmes shared with LeAF S&C staff to support with recovery to full fitness.
  • Sport Specific S&C as Performance Group as a whole.
  • Sports Psychology seminars – sessions with professional Sport Psychologists as groups throughout the year.
  • Nutritional guidance from LeAF studio staff.

Our aim is to support as many of the students in the Performance tier with their sports performances so as they can push into National level competition. If students are successful with this, they will then be promoted to the High Performance Tier.