OPEN EVENINGS | Y9 ENTRY – 19 September 2024 | SIXTH FORM - 17 October 2024

Development Tier Our Development tier


The Development tier is to support students who partake in sport and play at a local or developmental level. The focus of training is not specifically on sports performance, but a generic improvement of a student’s physical, social and psychological performance.

As a Development Tier Student you will gain the following provision:

  • Basic Anthropometric testing & Maturation Screening – trips to local Universities to further knowledge of training and testing in state of the art labs.
  • Discounted Physiotherapy – treatment sessions 10% discounts applied. Personalised rehabilitation programmes shared with LeAF S&C staff to support with recovery to full fitness.
  • Generic S&C as Development Group as a whole.
  • Nutritional guidance from LeAF studio staff.

As a school, we will regularly invite National Governing Bodies of various sports to visit the school and run Talent Identification sessions. If a student is identified as possessing a natural talent for a particular sport, then they will then be invited to training sessions with that National Governing Body for further tests and training.